Friday, May 6, 2011

Pasar gadang and Chinese traders

After the 2009 earthquake, china town at Padang was totally destroyed. Chinese traders got migrated to Medan and Jakarta.
Chinese temple at Padang

The town is now getting back to business. Most of the traditional Chinese traders in Padang trade in agricultural commodities like Nutmeg, Mace, Cocoa, Coffee, Betelnuts, Gambier and Cloves. These traders seldom export their goods overseas. They prefer selling their products locally.

Chinese traders were not interested in doing Gambier till last December (2010).

In the month of February 2011 and March 2011 these traders had bought Gambier. This Gambier which they bought is in the range of 20,000IDR to 25,000IDR. They keep the Gambier as a long term investment and speculating that the prices to go up to 30,000IDR levels.  The Holdings of Gambier stock range from 3Mt to 10MT per person.

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