Saturday, June 4, 2011

Gambier Farmers at Harau are looking for new jobs

Harau Valley is so beautiful,,, nature gifted flora and fona. Beautiful mountains and breath taking waterfalls. People of harau is farmers, The main crop include paddy and gambier.

We had a  chat with one of the Gambier farmer of this region.....

" I am now 47 years, I am doing gambier since I  was 25 years. I had seen ups and downs of gambier. The price was like this before also,,,, but now the price of everything had increased so this is a very low price,,, difficult to survive,,, he (pointing at his coworker) is going to Jakarta to find a new job,,, I hear that lot of other farmers are also changing their jobs,,, most of them going outside the village to find job,,,,,Currently the price of gambier is idr 12,000 for a kg. and idr 6,000 we need to give our land owner. by the balance 6000 how can we three of us share,,, he continues,,,, land owners also are not interested in gambier,, they are planting cocoa, rubber etc now,,, soon i need to also look for a new job"