Thursday, May 12, 2011

Gambier changed my life


This is a life story of Mr Irmantedi. This 43 year old is been a supplier of gambier since 1992. 19 years of working with gambier give him a lot of experience as well as changed his life.

Irmantedi was born on 28/8/1968 at jl suka karya, ke nagarian lubuk Alai, kecamatan kapur ix. He had finished his high school and went to Jakarta in search of job. But it dint last long as he need to get back to his village for taking care of his old parents.

Year 1991 Irmantedi has no house. He and his wife were staying at his wife house. That is the time he decided to do business. He sold his wife’s gold ornaments and got IDR 15 million.

1992 he started to buy gambier locally from local farmers. But he did not know where he will sell it. Then he started to sell to his cousin who sells his gambier to Gunung Linton’s (Medan based Chinese export house) agent. He used to supply 3MT per week with a price range of IDR 5000/kg to IDR 8000/kg. He worked like this for two years

1994 -1996 He started supply of cargo directly to users. He had found out that there is local consumption of Gambier in Indonesia and started supplying to Traders at Jakarta & Semarang. He was still supplying 3MT per week and price ranging from IDR 7500 to IDR 9000 per kilo.

1996 he was well known in the village as a genuine gambier buyer among the farmers. This year he becomes active in local politics as he has some local support. 1996 He started to supply his cargo to H Nisar for the next two years. He had increased the volume of his business and did 5MT per week with a price ranging from IDR 7500 to IDR 1200 per kilo

1998 he started supplying to Mr. Sanjay a Jakarta based trader. He started supplying 6.5MT per week. Price at this year ranged from IDR 7500 to IDR 12000 per kilo. He worked with sanjay next three years.

In between that in the year 1999 he stood in elections representing the party PDIP to become the panjayath member and he got elected because of his support from the farmers at this region and form 1999 to 2001 he was the member of the panjayath.

In the year 2001-2002 he had two buyers. He was supplying 2 small trucks per week. He supply to Mr. Thomas at Padang and to Mr. Sandeep at Jakarta, still the price ranging from IDR 7500 to IDR 15000 per kilo

In the year 2001 he was elected as the panjayath president of Lubuk alai , He was the president till 2007.

2002 to 2003 he supply to Mr. Sibin at Padang and to Mr. Sandeep at Batubersurat his volume was around 15MT and the price ranging from IDR 7500 to IDR 15000 per kilo.

2003 to 2004 he supply his cargo to Lampung for Mr Thomas, by that time he increased his volume to 30MT per week and the price was ranging from IDR 12000 to IDR 17000 per kilo

Year 2004 Mr. Thomas opened a godown at Padang and was supply to Padang. Next three years he worked with Mr. Thomas. The price of gambier shot up,, the price was ranging from IDR 15,000 to IDR 23,000 per kilo. He was still supplying 30MT per week.

2007 till date he had increased his volume to 45MT per week. He supply to Mr. Sibin and Mr. Ankit (exporters based out of Padang), Price of Gambier was ranging from IDR 20,0000 to IDR 32,000/kg.


“Gambier had given me everything; I started my business with 15 million. Now I have 3 trucks, 2 cars, a house, a godown, a gambier plantation and 50 farmer groups working for me. My 20 year old son is now helping me in the procurement, other kids are studying.

I am working closely with the mayor of lima puluh kota for implementing quality standards for gambier whereby we have some quality specs for gambier like coffee and cocoa.

yes gambier prices and market is very bad this time, but I am for sure before lebaran (Muslim holidays) this year it will pick up

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