Sunday, May 8, 2011


The Major adulterant used in Gambier are..

1.      Urea (fertilizer)

2.      Sand

3.      Paddy Husk

4.      Rice flour

5.      Duck/chicken feed

6.      Rock Salt

7.      Textile Colour
urea fertilizer 

wantex is the local textile dye

Adulterants are used for two reasons

1.      The adulterants are used to increase the volume of gamer, hence to generate more money by doing so.

2.      If Gambier liquor is mixed with adulterants then the Gambier liquor will solidify much faster and Gambier once molded will get dried also very faster

3.      By adding adulterants like urea the colour of the Gambier will be brown to reddish brown.

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