Sunday, April 29, 2012

Gambier prices moving down

Gambier Prices in local Indonesian markets are moving down due to low demand in India. On the other hand the production of gambier had also dropped due to this uneven market Farmers more interested in rubber rather than gambier. The effort involved in rubber harvesting is less when compared to gambier. Pasisir selatan belt is at the peak of their paddy harvest. This also in turn reduce gambier production. It's was an unstable week which passed by and is expecting an unstable market this coming week also

Friday, February 3, 2012

gambier finding new heights

Gambier is finding new heights, most of the exporters of gambier are turning into gambier making in an industrial way.
The company named Ganapati trading was previously only into trading of gambier and betel nuts are now into making of gambier. they had set up leaf procurement units in village levels.

Two more padang based gambier exporters are also into making factories in village level for the collection of gambier leaves.

Mixed inputs are coming from farmers. some farmers like the idea of selling leaves and not to make gambier so that they can focus on other cash crops and still have gambier as their additional income, whereas some other farmers consider this as a threat as they think that the factories may go for plantations leaving them jobless.

its time to find out what is profitable or and what is not, Having gambier factories in remote villages will surely develop those places