Saturday, July 30, 2011

Indonesian market report 25july to 30 july 2011

The Market had picked up pace and aggressive buying had started. The Market prices where at 19000 idr/kg,

exporters and collectors are trying to cover up more stock as they are expecting a short crop in the second week of august. Its because normally the first week of fasting ( that is the first week of august) farmers will stop working.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Indonesian market report 18 july to 23 july 2011

Gambier booch prices had moved up to 18500 level this week.

Most of the exporters where not ready to buy the cargo by the beginning of the week. The Indian/Indonesian markets  was unstable due to the verdict from supreme court of India on 20th July , but after 20th July most of the exporters become aggressive in purchases. most of the collectors/exporters where trying to collect more volumes by the end of the week

By the end of the week some of the Kanpur buyers where at Medan.

Next week, the prices will peak up as all the exporters are aggressive for procurement. Local prices at Padang are expected to be above 19500 level next week .

Low catechin gambier is at 16500/kg this week .

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Indonesian market report 11 july to 16 july

The Market is picking up with even more exporters active. The prices at local market reach 15000 to 16000 levels whereas the Exporters buy at range of 17000 to 18000 for a kilo

One of the Medan based exporter had visited Payakumbuh farmer markets which in turn had given a boost in the price and a indication for the farmers that the price is going to go up

This year the Muslim holidays are early @ end august hence the fasting will begin by the end of the month and the exporters very well know that the production is going to drop on fasting month. and think this is the best time to cover stocks at these low prices.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Indonesian market report 4 july to 9 july

The Production had picked up and the market is getting active. There where more collectors in the market and the number of farmers had also increased.

The local prices at Padang and Medan which the exporters are quoting are 17,000 to 18,000 levels.

Most of the exporters are active in the market

Thursday, July 7, 2011

july bringing hope to farmers

" its all bad news for us farmers since last December, a lot of my friends where disappointed and most of them stopped working. I was still sticking on to gambier production because I do not know any other work other than this. My 14 year old son start working and that was an additional income for my family, actually that help us to survive in this hard times

whenever collectors come they only offer lower price, week after week it make us feel that we are wasting our efforts, since June 15th there was no price drop.

July the prices are picking up, and its bringing hope for us poor people and an appreciation for our hard work and for a long wait"

Mr Mardi (farmer)